vineri, 23 martie 2012

The Stakes of Politics. Essey: WAR and PEACE

"War is a real political instrument,a continuation of political other means." (Karl von Clausewitz)

War could be a bilateral or multilateral misunderstand - a conflict.As we know,it could Start by some actions as a result of failure of bad cooperation or common political interests and others.The high role plays the foreign policy,and,in the case of the conflict appearance the both parts can apply military forces in order to solve it.
Vietnam War can serve as egsample with demonstrations where some SDS (Students for Democratic Society)burned their draft cards,staged hunger strikes.By the US critics this war was resorted to civil disobedience to express their displeasure with the governments war effort.In order to escape a conflict or a war state leaders can appeal to negotiations based on the international law and moral principles which represents non violent factors to influence other.But in the same time it is not guarantee of solving problems,it is something like assuarance signed by both parts.
Another force are the military forces which are very cost for each state,so it is better to base on international diplomatical relations for territorial peace assuarance.A well known instrument in this domain is UNO by its Chart.
It is important to appreciate the role of the government in foreign political affairs which can plunge their citizens into war.However the society must collaborate and cooperate with govern in order to improve their life,because, another moment could be a national or multinational conflict: a conflict between authorities about their wrong policy promotion,all can serve the beginning of war or led to the strainght cooperation...
In a conclusion - political choises have positive and negative effects which provides a war,or,can create conditions for peace.

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